Thursday 2 June 2016


merupakan bulan yang sentiasa dinanti-nantikan oleh umat islam.
merupakan bulan yang penuh rahmat
merupakan bulan yang penuh berkat
merupakan bulan yang teristimewa
merupakan bulan dimana umat islam akan pertingkatkan ibadat
merupakan bulan dimana pahala dilipat ganda
merupakan bulan yang kita perlu menahan diri daripada makan dan minum hingga terbenam matahari
merupakan bulan memberi rasa kepada kita erti rasa kesusahan orang lain
merupakan bulan yang mudah/ringan tulang untuk beribadat
merupakan bulan yang dipermudahkan doa dimakbulkan
merupakan bulan yang penuh dengan pengampungan illahi
merupakan bulan dimudahkan urusan
merupakan bulan yang suci
dan ramadhan adalah bulan yang dinanti-nanti jua oleh umat islam yang telah meninggal dunia (tiada azab sepanjang ramadhan)

allahurabi, begitu banyak mengenai ramadhan

#ramadhan yang dinanti-nantikan#
sempatkah aku habiskan ramadhan ku ini?
apakah ini ramadhanku yang terakhir??



Gaya hidup sihat bolehlah ditakrifkan sebagai satu amalan kehidupan yang membawa  impak positif kepada diri seseorang, keluarganya dan masyarakat. Antara contoh kehidupan yang sihat ialah individu tersebut hidup dengan penuh ceria tanpa mengalami sebarang masalah yang  boleh menjejaskan kehidupannya untuk satu tempoh tertentu pula. Sudah pasti dalam kehidupan era moden yang begitu banyak tekanan ini gaya hidup sihat menjadi satu matlamat yang perlu  dicapai segera. Oleh itu, terdapat pelbagai tindakan yang boleh dilakukan untuk mencapai  matlamat ini.

Tindakan awal ialah seseorang itu perlu mengamalkan satu bentuk pemakanan yang  seimbang dalam kehidupannya. Dalam keadaan kehidupan sebenar, orang ramai lebih suka  mengambil makanan yang bersifat mudah seperti mengamalkan pengambilan makanan ringan  ataupun makanan segera. Tidak kurang juga masyarakan kita hari ini yang lupa kesan  pengambilan makanan berlemak ataupun makanan yang mempunyai kandungan garam, gula atau sodium glutamit yang tinggi. Hal ini boleh mendatangkan pelbagai penyakit kronik seperti sakit  jantung, darah tinggi ataupun kencing manis yang juga menjadi punca kematian tertinggi di  negara kita. Orang ramai juga mesti menjauhi amalan buruk seperti merokok atau meminum arak kerana kesannya amat membahayakan. Jelaslah, diet yang seimbang membolehkan kita semua  mencapai kehidupan yang ceria kerana semua nutrien yang diperlukan oleh badan diperoleh  menerusi pemakanan yang seimbang.

Selain itu, aktiviti senaman yang berkala mampu menjadikan kehidupan yang dijalani oleh seseorang itu lebih sihat dan menceriakan. Kita boleh menjalankan aktiviti seperti bersukan,  berekreasi, berjalan atau berlari bersendirian atau bersama-sama keluarga ketika hujung minggu.  Aktiviti senaman seperti ini diakui oleh pakar perubatan mampu menjadikan sistem peredaran  darah manusia lebih baik serta menjadikan sistem imunisasi mereka tinggi. Mereka yang gemar  bersukan biasanya memiliki badan yang sihat dan minda yang cerdas berbanding dengan orang  yang jarang bersukan. Jelasnya, semakin kerap senaman dilakukan maka semakin tinggilah tahap kesihatan seseorang itu kerana minda yang cerdas datangnya daripada badan yang cergas.

Orang ramai juga perlu mengutamakan kebersihan diri pada setiap masa bagi memastikan  mereka terhindar daripada sebarang penyakit. Keperluan asas seperti menggosok gigi, mandi,  berpakaian bersih, waktu tidur dan rehat yang cukup juga perlu dijadikan amalan hidup seharian.  Bagi mengelakkan jangkitan kuman atau penyakit, mereka juga perlulah mengamalkan budaya  mendisiplinkan diri dengan asas-asas kebersihan seperti mencuci tangan dengan bersih sebelum  makan, menutup makanan dengan baik agar tidak diharung lalat mahupun memilih gerai atau  tempat makan yang bersih semasa menjamu selera. Sikap sambil lewa masyarakat dalam aspek  berkenaan mungkin boleh membawa padah. Justeru, amalan sebegini harus diutamakan agar  dapat membentuk gaya hidup yang sihat dalam kalangan masyarakat...

saya sertakan beberapa video supaya anda boleh mempraktikkannya.....

 Oleh itu, jom hidup sihat...



            Sopan santun adalah suatu etika/norma terhadap tingkah laku kita dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Setiap orang pasti pernah memilikinya, bahkan mengetahui tentang adat sopan dan santun tersebut. Meskipun, sedikit orang telah mengetahui arti dari sopan santun, tapi banyak orang yang mampu memahami cara berlaku sopan dan santun dalam kehidupan.

            Sopan dan santun mungkin tidak dapat dinilai lebih dalam lagi, Karena sopan santun bukanlah sebuah ideologi dan tidak mungkin dapat diukur dengan kasat mata. Tapi,melainkan suatu nilai yang begitu berharga dalam menjalani suatu komunikasi dengan orang lain. Untuk dapat menilai sopan santun, kita perlu dapat memahami cara bertingkah laku sopan santun dahulu. Setelah itu, kita akan mengerti seberapa berharganya sopan santun dalam bersosialisasi dengan orang lain.

            Hari ini saya akan memberitahu membincangkan sopan santun dalam berpakaian mengikut islam. Sebagimana kita ketahui bahawa, islam mementingkan aspek aurat dimana ianya sering ditekan oleh islam. Allah memerintahkan supaya menutut aurat. Baginda SAW pula diperlihatkan azab  sewaktu israk makraj bagi orang yang tidak menutup auratnya sewaktu didunia..

Tutup aurat itu WAJIB tapi bertudung tak wajib 
Ye memang, tutup aurat memang suatu kewajipan 
Tetapi bertudung itu tak wajib tapi ia merupakan suatu cara hendak menutut aurat
Ramai ja yang pakai tudung tapi apakah mengikut skop yang dikhendaki islam?

Oleh itu, saya senaraikan item-item yang patut dilakukan oleh tukang desingn, penjual dan pembeli tudung..
Pertama: Hedaklah tidak jarang
Kedua : Hendaklah tidak ketat
Ketiga : Hendaklah tidak melekat
Keempat : Hendaklah tidak melekat
Kelima :  Hendaklah tidak tabarruj
Keenam : Hendaklah tidak syuhroh
Ketujuh : Hendaklah tidak tasyabbuh

Menuntut aurat itu hendaklah kepada seperti yang diatas...

Berikut merupakan cara dan skop pemakaian yang menutut aurat bagi lelaki dan wanita...

kesalahan semasa menutup aurat
'ibarat menutup aurat tetapi telanjang' 

sekadar gambar hiasan

 Cantik dan manis mereka apabila menutup aurat dan bertudung serta ditambah pula dengan sopan santun..


Wednesday 1 June 2016



 Boboiboy: The Movie merupakan sebuah filem animasi 3D yang diproduksikan olah Animonsta Studios.

 Movie telah ditayangkan pada yang menceritakan tentang sekumpulan alien jahat yang menamakan diri mereka yang mengelarkan dirinya sebagai 'Pasukan Tengkotak'. Mereka datang ke Bumi bagi menculik Ochobot. Tujuan mereka menculik Ochobot berutujuan untuk mencari petunjuk kepada kekuatan asal daripada Ochobot yang merupakan sfera kuasa yang bernama Klamkabot (jenerasi sebelum Ochobot. Bagi menyelamatkan Ochobot, Boboiboy dan rakan-rakan termasuk Adu dan Probe bersatu berusaha menyelamatkan Ochobot dan menghalang Tengkotak daripada mendapatkan sfera kuasa tersebut. Pelbagai aksi, komedi dan tempat yang indah dilalui oleh mereka. oleh itu, saya sarankan supaya anda semua menontonnya sendiri supaya boleh merasai dan melihat aksi-aksi mereka.

Tuesday 31 May 2016


LIRIK LAGU 1 MALAYSIA (tema kemerdekaan ke-57 tahun 2014)

Dunia kian berubah
Perubahan melingkari
Melaksana hasrat hati
Kejayaan terbukti

Dunia yang megah
Dengan misi yang gagah
Kerana perpaduan
Kita masih bersama

Kita satu bangsa
Kita satu negara
Kita satu matlamat
Kita satu bangsa
Satu negara
Kita 1 Malaysia

Bermulanya sekarang
Perjalanan dilaksana
Seia sekata
Sehati dan sejiwa

Membina masa hadapan
Menuju kejayaan
Kita semua rakyat Malaysia
Harmoni saling menghormati

Kita satu bangsa
Kita satu negara
Kita satu matlamat
Kita satu bangsa
Satu negara
Kita 1 Malaysia



Assalamualaikum and Good morning dear readers residentsThe story ohh my english. I will tell a story when I was asked to be the professions to six students in the old school a long time ago. The story begins with my name nominated as one of the eight supervisors as professions. surely you're wondering how I deal with it ?.  happy answer. As usual, I will push for feeling unworthy and very proper in my english more so as these professions in which we will use as the primary language english. Indeed fear, nervousness, menstrual and there are also items almost fainted. But as a complete story, I received pressure from teachers and friends because now that I have confidence than others. 
In summary, on the day scene of the day I feel better, I fainted and was taken to the hospital so I went through this thing and not my face but with little conviction and words of encouragement from his mother, father, siblings, teachers and of some friend tried to face it and try to do the best I can
and the result is that I use mixed language and since I come from Kelantan, certainly will not run away from my home language and literacy even try to control. The funniest part is that I said 'sure, we need to dare to and from do shy your anok-benanok la' ....

huhuhushame kut

But what, then the boat can be postponed but the last word, embarrassed answer.

my friend say, all most important is confidem..

Thanks for reading and one who does not understand it, please use google translet.



"Demi Masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian; Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran".(Surah Al-Asr,Ayat 1-3)

Waktu akan tetap berputar dan beredar mengikut putarannya...
Masa yang berlalu tidak akan kembali
Masa akan mengikut peredarannya
Kemarin itu masa silam (sejarah)
Dimana ia bukan untuk ditangisi, dipersoalkan atau dihina
Tapi ia adalah pengalaman hidup yang akan mematangkan kehidupan kelak
Hari ini adalah yang bakal ditempuhi
Dimana apa pun yang jadi, pasti akan dilalaui jua
Esok adalah masa depan 
Maka rancang dan lakukanlah perubahan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik

hari ini sebagai seorang pelajar
apakah esok masih lagi akan menjadi seorang pelajar
jawapannya tidak
kerana waktu belajar akan habis jua kelak
sempat menghabiskan perjuanganku menuntut ilmu
aku tidak sempat untuk memegang ijazah
mungkin terlebih dahulu menjadi jenazah
hidup memang akan penamatnya
apakah akan ditamatkan dengan bangga atau derita
mengapa menulis demikian?
kita tidak tahu apakah, bagaimana, bila ajalnya
ajal itu pasti
tapi apakah kita akan mati dengan gembira (beriman) dan ditangisi oleh sanak saudara
meninggal dengan ketakutan dengan dosa?

berpesan-pesan ke arah kebenaran?
bagaimana tu?
banyakkan menuntut ilmu supaya ilmu penuh didada
oleh itu, kita mampu berpesan ke arah kebenaran
kenapa perlu berilmu untuk berpesan ke arah kebenaran?
simple ja jawapannya, supaya ilmu yang disampaikan itu sahih dan benar
'sabar itu separuh daripada iman'
suatu ungkapan yang senang diungkapkan tetapi sukar untuk hadapinya
untuk bersabar itu sukar
maka didiklah hati supaya bersabar
kawal kemarahan
bukankah kemarahan itu merupakan suatu yang disukai oleh syaitan?
mengapa kita mengikuti sikapnya?
tiada yang sempurna
maka ianya akan memerlukan didikan hati untuk bersabar

tepuk dada, tanya iman...
apakah sudah dilengkapi atau masih lagi belum ada (jika tiada, lakukan anjakan paradikma segera)
hidup hanya sementara sahaja tetapi hiasinya lah dengan pelbagai kebaikan demi mendapatakan keredhan Illahi...

sedangkan kita tahu,
allah yang berkuasa
kenapa enggan beriman denganNya

Monday 30 May 2016


Who is Muhammad al Fateh?
His real name is Muhammad ibn Murad Bin Muhammad Bin Bayazid. He was born on March 29, 1432 AD (833H) in Adrianapolis (a town bordering Turkey - Bulgaria). He is known as the "Muhammad Al Fateh 'for its success in freeing the city of Constantinople. He ascended the throne as early as 19 years old when succeeded his father Sultan Murad II. He ruled a vast empire for about 30 years among between 1451-1481M. He was an eminent statesman and a great military commander who had led by 25 military campaigns. He died on May 3, 1481 (855H) at the age of 49 years.

How the power of his education?
The greatness of Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh lot to prove at the height of his personality and enthusiasm in living his life. Since little of his father, Sultan Murad II has led scholars to educate competent all-Fateh Muhammad intensive and integrated. Sheikh Muhammad Bin Ismail al Kuranyi has been entrusted to lead the educator to Muhammad al-Fateh. He was given authority to lashing if required. In fact, he was awarded the prize award by Sultan Murad II because he was hit Muhammad al-Fateh in order to educate them seriously. This proved to Muhammad al-Fateh can memorize the Quran in a short period.
Real teacher who guides him through integrated is Sheikh Shamsuddin Al Wali who was a great scholar of the descendants of Sayyidina Abu Bakr R.A. Muhammad al-Fateh have been convinced since childhood by Sheikh Shamsuddin that he is the person to whom the Prophet in the hadith regarding the opening of Constantinople. He taught Muhammad al-Fateh basic knowledge of the Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh and science skills such as mathematics, astronomy, history, war tactics, archery and horse riding. Similarly in the field of language, he is an accomplished scholar in his time is fluent in seven languages, namely Arabic, Latin, Greek, Serbian, Turkish, Persian and Hebrew. In the field of Public Administration, the king's father, Sultan Murad II had appointed his 12-year-old as acting Deputy with the purpose of educating, during Sultan Murad II went to the island of Magnesia bersuluk. In this young age he was beginning to mature to deal with hoaxes enemy. When he ascended the throne, Sultan Muhammad Shamsuddin Sheikh soon meet to prepare the army towards the capture of Constantinople by the realization of the sayings of Prophet s.a.w concerned.

How will the results of this study to Muhammad al-Fateh?
He is always a brave, decisive, strong government secrecy in addition to being quiet and reserved. He was very loving scholars and always talk to them about the problems of the country. He had always been humble 'and humility. Rumeli Fortress Hissari current building, opened his shirt and turban, he picked up a stone and sand to the clergy and ministers had to follow the same work. Muhammad Al-Fateh dote Shamsuddin Sheikh and Sheikh has a special position at the Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih. This is evident when in his speech during the opening of Constantinople, 'You all see me very happy. This joy is not simply because of our success in this charming city, but it is because of the presence of a noble Sheikhku which is pendidikku, Ash-Sheikh Shamsuddin Al Wali”

Why he is said to be the best king and the great leader?
When the Friday prayer to be established for the first time, the question arises as to who he was among the most qualified to be a priest. He ordered all troops including himself up and asked, "Who among us has ever left the prayer obligatory since puberty until now even once, please sit down!" No one is sitting, because none of them ever leave the obligatory prayers. He asked, "Who among us that since puberty until now never leave prayers ‘rawatib’ please sit down!" And some of the soldiers sat. Then he asked, "Who among us since puberty until now never leave ‘tahajjud’ even one night, please sit down!" This time they sit, except Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh itself. He never left the obligatory prayers, prayers ‘rawatib’ and ‘tahajjud’ prayers since puberty. This is the education of children of Sheikh Shamsuddin Al Wali. He was the one that was signed by the Prophet as the best of the king who led the best soldiers in the hadith.

Why did Constantinople so special?
Or Constantinople is now called Istanbul is a city that is very special and historic in the world. It was founded by the Roman emperor called Emperor Constantine in 330M. Constantinople so strategic from a military standpoint, business, and political relationship of internation extent Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821 Commander and Leader France) said that if the world is a country, then the city of Constantinople is the most qualified to be the capital - "If the Earth were a single state, Constantinople would be its capital. ". In the history of Islam, Constantinople privileges have already been announced by the Prophet himself when he dug s.a.w Trench Drain
"Constantinople (now Istanbul) will fall into the hands of the Muslims. King is the best king, his army is the best army ... "(Narrated by Imam Ahmad)
Hadith of the Prophet s.a.w then only become a reality after almost 800 years later by Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh, 7th Caliph of the Ottoman Empire with a total of about 265,000 people army.
From the Corner of geography, the city of Constantinople has its own because it is surrounded by sea from three sides of the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the Strait Bhosphore Golden Horn Bay. Admission to the Gulf Goldern Horn was barred by a giant iron chain. Which serves to prevent vessels from entering the main gate of Constantinople. After all the preparations in place, eventually Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh has sent envoys to the Byzantine Emperor of Constantinople handed to him but he refused to do so. Constantinople was besieged town and started to attack on Wednesday, April 19, 12 Rabi 1453M 857H with its army which spans a total of 265,000 people, the city was bombarded by artillery shells from places for 48 days but only damaging part of the outer wall of the city.
1) Mobile towers
He then ordered his troops using mobile tower with a height higher than Constantinple City and can accommodate hundreds of Islam. But the Byzantine army successfully destroy the tower move after it successfully penetrate the walls of their fortress.
2) Assistance from the Vatican.
Byzantine navy also reinforced by assistance sent by the Vatican and Europe with a fleet of 5 pieces. Not to mention the Muslims failed to cross the Gulf of Goldern Horn because of its giant iron chain that prevented the entry of their vessels. This raises again the spirit of Vatican forces. The priest also reminded residents Constantinope so many pray that Constantinople survived.
Byzantine emperor tried to deceive Muhammad al-Fateh, with a variety of offers, gifts and bribes to save his position but he denied emphatically by the Constantinople surrendered peacefully to them.

How early preparation prepared battle?
Since childhood, Muhammad al-Fateh was reviewing and assessing the efforts made by his father to the charming city of Constantinople. Also during the first 2 years after ascending the throne, he reviewed the city plan Constantinople in detail each night to identify any factors of weakness Constantinople as well as reviewing the reasons for the failure of the campaign commander of Islamic History and conferring with the commanders of the army of the recent strategies appropriate for use. He has made a great preparation towards its ambition of mounting a charming Constantinope. He has provided a huge army and advanced to the Mujahideen of about 265,000 people and ships of 400 for this purpose. He also ordered construction nationwide modern war equipment such as giant cannon that can shoot a bomb weighing 300 kg to a distance of 1.5 kilometers. Rumeli Hisari cities were built on the banks of Europe, about 8 km from the city of Constantinople. It was built opposite the City Anadolu Hisari on the banks of the Asian side which was built by Sultan Bayazid Yildirim earlier. The fort was neat control the ships that crossed the Bosphorus Strait. He also made a covenant of peace with the Wallachia, Serbia and Hungary to isolate Constantinople when they were attacked later. He brings together his battalion scholars, experts and motivation to fight for the burning spirit of jihad army. As soon as they approached the fortress walls of Constantinople, he ordered the call to prayer echoed and executed. Byzantine army was so nervous to see about 265,000 troops behind the Islamic prayer leaders with cries of takbir sound that broke the silence of nature.

How conquered Constantinople?
a-      Take a boat through the mountains
Serenity and joy of the Emperor and the people of Constantinople did not last long when they discovered the presence of 72 warships Muhammad al-Fateh was up to the Gulf of the Golden Horn on 22 April 1453M. Sultan Muhammad uses a method exceptional when he and his troops have brought these ships by road on the mountain before releasing it back into the Gulf Goldern Horn. This is a miracle and is considered as a war tactic in the world by Western historians themselves. Byzantine vessels are then burned as Muslim army shelled by artillery and Byzantine defense system becomes weaker.
b-      Injection spirit of jihad
He was also assisted by the scholars have taken the opportunity in the evening to give the spirit of jihad to his troops while reminding them of the sayings of Prophet s.a.w and then they both pray to Allah S.W.T
c-      Climbing city
The next morning the Ottoman army was trying to climb the walls of the fort by a ladder and tried to knock it down with a big catapult. They then drive in Daula Ottoman flag on top of the city. Fierce opposition from the Byzantine army had made many Muslims become syudaha'. Muhammad al-Fateh was then ordered his troops to retreat and artillery fire continued until noon.
d-     Karisma Leader
Siege for 53 days without any signs of an end to the success has raised boredom and get rid of confidence on the part of the Muslim army. The precarious situation in which he spoke of the uplifting forces, "O my soldiers, I'm ready to die in the cause of Allah. Anyone who wants to come with me martyrdom! "Listening to the speech then one of his soldiers named Hasan Ulubate risen and led a small group of 30 soldiers who were open and then jumped into the enemy fortress. They then plant the flag of Islam in situ. This has raised the spirit of the Muslim army and shook the hand of the enemy. They were then killed after being bombarded by enemy arrows. Then the Muslim armies invaded the relentless penetrate defenses word Byzantine chanting Allahu Akbar. Cries of takbir which has filled the space Constantinople gave the impression of a psychological attack on the enemy.
e-      Tunnel
When the chaos in the city of Constantinople has not abated, the enemy has been that the Muslim army was digging tunnels to enter the city. Fear fell on them with a sense of terror and extreme fear

The capture of Constantinople
On May 29, 1453, he and his hosts, great captured Constantinople into the hands of Islam. He proved the truth of the sayings of Prophet s.a.w. Constantinople was renamed Islambol (overall) which was designated as the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate. Church of St Sophies later converted into a mosque Aya Sophia. With humility his forehead smeared with dirt to make prostration gratitude upon the success achieved with his army. Islamik symbolic name was later changed to Istanbul.

Do victory was due to the weakness of the Byzantine?
Indeed, the victory was not successful because of the weakness of the Byzantine or Constantinople but is due to the dependence of the Muslim army against God, stick to a firm time and progress and modernity Daula Ottoman military at the time. A French historian, Baron Karaffoo has described it by saying, "The opening of Constantinople shall not apply to Sultan al-Fateh by chance and not because of the Byzantine be in a weakened state, but it is because Sultan al-Fateh use all the power of science in his day."

Is another major contribution a Fateh Muhammad?
Historians have made the opening date 1453M Constantinople on 29th May as the date on modern history. On entering the city, Sultan al-Fateh Mummad has declared that the ancient world and the modern world has been erased has come where it is as follows:
Justice religious 1-
Many Jews and Arabs were persecuted in Spain have moved to Constantinople. Sultan al-Fateh has also allowed Christianity to be practiced to maintain Orthodox churches and practice their sect. He has asked the church's assembly and elect a chairman from among their clergy. They have chosen anadius as chairman later said that he would rather see the turban of the Sultan of view hat Latin (Catholic) because the West has been oppressive Catholic Orthodox parties. Sultan also ordered that churches and synagogues were destroyed or harmed.
2-Development Government and Development
Sultan al-Fateh blessed with great success in improving the preparation of the country, the neatness of the administrative machinery and create a strong bond between the subject area under power and beat Serbia, Bosnia, the coastal area of ​​the Red Sea and the Crimean peninsula. He has expanded the boundaries of the State of the only to an area of ​​600 sq km 2,214,000 sq km. His goal of expanding the country is to penetrate the European and save Muslims in Andalus from the clutches of Christianity.
3-Development of Civilization
Form of civilization has changed with the opening of Islam because many mosques, schools and hospitals were built. He is very concerned about education and education. He also analyzes the administrative, military, political and development. Sutan Muhammad al-Fateh died in 1471M (886H) when it was at the height of victory and glory. There is an opinion saying that his death was due to poisoning by the hand doctor who hid his identity as a Jew.

To better understand and more interesting, I recommend you watch the movie Sultan Al-Fateh. Therefore, I include a link to your watch.
Hopefully happy and enjoyy.....